Nature Makes the Best Toys

Nature Toys 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE

I never thought I would do this but I have spent hours upon hours with my children without any toys at all.  There was a time in my life where I would've been so freaked out by this concept but I have learned that, in the right environment, children do not need toys to keep them occupied.  Nature provides everything they need. 

In a day and age where mega toy companies such as Hasbro and Fisher Price are marketing sophisticated toys complete with computer chips embedded in them, it's nice to know we don't really need them.  With these toys often comes the promise of an educational edge but what research has shown time and again is that kids don't need these things.  They don't need the stimulation of some new age toy.  What they need is to learn how to draw from their inner resources and nature play is perfect for that. I love that when we go outside we can take a break from the consumerism and choose the joy of a more simplistic route. 

Here are three reasons why nature makes the best toys:

1.  Nature toys can turn into anything.  Children are hard at work developing their imagination and their fantasy.  Like all other human potentials they can only develop these qualities through practice.  Instinctively kids are drawn to the things that will help them thrive and flourish. Innately they take a small part of nature and transform it into whatever they imagine it to be.  A stick becomes a fishing pole, a pencil in the sand, a sword, an airplane, or a magic wand.  A stump become a throne.  Beach sand is crafted into extensive towns with wooden bridges, small pebble walkways, and seashell flags.  

2. Nature toys come in abundance. They are everywhere and there are always enough to share.  Many things children play with outside, like rocks or sticks, have considerable variety to them.  Children love scouring what's out there ready to find what will fit right in with their story tapestry of the day.  An abundance of elements helps kids as they are learning to play together and get along.  There's no need for jealousy and fighting because there are enough things to go around.  When we are outside, toy land is all around us.

3.  Nature toys are real.  Touch is a powerful sensory experience for kids.  They are newer than we are.  They haven't spent decades around what nature has to offer.  A child can rub the smoothness of stone and roll that stone around in their hand.  They can grab a knobby stick and run off with it like a king in a battle.  They can weave dandelions together and turn into a beautiful princess. Natural materials elicit a sense of comfort and warmth that a plastic toy just cannot provide.


Nature Time is a Worthy Extracurricular Choice


Children Should be Outside for 4-6 Hours Every Day