Surprise! BRAND NEW FREE Spring Hours Tracker!

There are many who start their 1000 Hours Outside journey on January 1st as a New Year’s Resolution but you can join this movement any time. The goal is to aim for 1000 hours of time in the open air within 365 days and along the way you fill in each space on the tracker chart - one space represents one hour of time spent outdoors.

Tracking from season to season is a special way to kick-off your spring, summer, fall or winter so brand new this year is a spring tracker sheet for anyone just joining in… or to use as a way to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join in the fun.

This gorgeous caterpillar (first 100 hours) and butterfly (1000 Hours) tracker combo was designed by Amanda, a Chicago-area resident .

All of our trackers have been designed by the global 1000 Hours Outside community. In September of 2020 and 2021 we held tracker design contests. You can see all the other winning tracker sheets here. They are always free, they’re a great way to help keep you motivated, and they’re a tool we can use to model balance to our kids .

If you’re just now joining us or you’re hoping to get a friend on board, this new spring tracker sheet is available to download using the link below. Begin prioritizing nature for you and your family - you won’t regret it!


The Loss of Middle Childhood (Ages 6 - 12) Podcast with Dr. Susan Linn (author, psychologist, and award-winning ventriloquist)


The Undeclared War on Childhood